Friday, June 22, 2007

The Onion

the content filter at work blocks The Onion, YouTube...all the good sites. but that's OK b/c i have The Onion headlines on my personalized Google start page. my "iGoogle Page", if you will. and even though i can't follow the links, i enjoy reading them...imagining how much more funny they would be if i could go there and read/listen to them. but another part of me (the part that adjusts to things that don't work properly, i.e., a burnt out light bulb, a squeaky hinge, improperly functioning brakes, etc) just enjoys them as is: stand-alone funny headlines that make us laugh:

Cult Leader Pretty Cool, Actually
Bar Skanks Announce Plans To Kiss
[audio] Area Man Mows Around Dead Body

that's good stuff. i also like the "American Voices" section.


Andrea said...

Hey I CAN get there!! Here's the top billing:

James Gandolfini Shot By Closure-Seeking Fan

bummer ;-)

Gerald L. Updyke said...
