Thursday, June 21, 2007

Entertainment Update

our friend Seth called us up to see if we wanted to see "Knocked Up" with him last night. Andrea had some cheap movie tickets she got through work (good for movies that have been out for 2 weeks or more) so we decided to do it. it's kind of a big deal for us to go anywhere or do anything on a weeknight, but i'm glad we did. it was hilarious. we laughed and laughed and laughed.

without spoiling it for you, she dies at the end. j/k. it's a filthy movie, from a language perspective. but if you can get past that and just enjoy it for what it is, you won't be disappointed.

here is my ratings analysis:

acting: 7 out of 10
plot: 6 out of 10 (it ain't "Gone With The Wind" ain't even "A Mighty Wind")
script: 9 out of 10 (very well written. dialog is what makes this movie a masterpiece)
hilarity: 12 out of 10
Overall: 9 out of 10

stop what you're doing and go watch this movie right now. unless you don't like foul language, in which case you should steer clear.


Andrea said...

You old, she pregnant. We can't have no old, pregnant bitches runnin around the club!

Gerald L. Updyke said...

"I'm not gonna go to the end of the #@&%ing line, who the #@&% are you? I have just as much of a right to be here as any of these little skanky girls. What, am I not skanky enough for you? you want me to hike up my #@&%ing skirt? What the #@&% is your problem? I'm not going anywhere, you're just some roided out freak with a #@&%ing clipboard. And your stupid little #@&%ing rope! You know what, you may have power now but you are not God. You're a doorman, okay. You're a doorman!! Doorman, doorman, doorman, doorman!!! So... #@&% you! You #@&%ing fag with your #@&%ing little faggy gloves."

that was cold.

Film Scholar said...

I loved Knocked Up, but I agree that lines really bother me when I go see movies. It can really cramp your whole movie experience.