he has a point: people complain that the US walked away from Kyoto, but let's face it: it's not in the interest of hundreds of millions of Americans to lock ourselves into this thing without really knowing the impact economically AND without holding China and India, specifically, accountable to make the same commitments! they're spewing an awful lot of stuff into the air, too.
check out what this other guy has to say here:

"The Kyoto agreement does not apply to China as a developing country! By placing more and costly regulatory burdens on Japanese and European industry-- whose governments unwisely signed the Protocol, it will drive more manufacturing out of those countries and into Kyoto-free China. "
interesting. we're having a tough enough time competing with China without giving them another leg up.
If that guy was my neighbor I would totally look him up on the registered sex offender site....
Did he write the lame Oscar song?
- Dean (Not Angie)
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