Sunday, February 11, 2007

all good things must come to a beginning

i've kicked around the idea of a blog for a while but just never got started. i figure only a few folks will really check it out, or even want to, and that's cool. the irony: most of the people who read it are the ones who don't need to b/c they already know what's going on with me. which kind of defeats the purpose of doing it.

and with that stellar intro, we're out of the gates.

i'll spend some time adding the foundational stuff for the family and friends i don't get to see often enough. a word of warning: this will ultimately become a series of boring posts describing my day to day activities. if a day goes by without a post, it means i didn't do anything. can you smell the excitement?

let's do it!


Angie said...

Yay! Welcome to blogging!

daddisan said...

hey, i wish i had a blog.
i think you've just inspired me to follow in your footsteps. i know i've got some big shoes to fill, but i'll try not to stumble. actually, i'll just try not to not try. i mean, i want to start the blog, but it's tricky when you don't have internet at home.

Jared McCrory said...

Hey cousin, good to hear from you on our blog! My mom keeps me updated from time to time with what is going on with you, although not many specifics (essentially I've gotten Raleigh, girlfriend, church, music). I'll be sure to check your site from time to time to see what is happening. Are you guys going to Ohio in July? It is just a short jaunt for us up to there from Louisville, so I was glad they relocated the big event from TX to OH. Hope to see you then.