yeah, so my buddy Oscar at work has been out sick with a temperature of 102! just kidding. i need to make this post quick and go to bed b/c unlike some people, i don't have a 4 day weekend.
i don't know what's more annoying: the old days when people used the opportunity of an acceptance speech to pump out political crap (Michael Moore, et al) or now with the whole "Green Movement". don't get me wrong, i'm all for the "Green Movement", and i ain't talking about what happens after you eat too much spinach. collectively, thousands of individuals can make a change. but the pessimist in me says we're all doomed. people can't even commit to going to the gym or to quit smoking, what makes anyone think we can radically shift the whole nature of the world economy and the daily life of billions who, incidentally, have more important things to worry about (like where their next meal is going to come from) than about the environment? i'm not saying it's not necessary: just not possible.
everybody loves Al Gore now. i still see him as a stereotypical politician (rich, white, boring, Brylcreem). he's found his niche and he's working it. i'm just pissed b/c Melissa Etheridge won an Oscar for that piece of crap song that goes along with his movie. it was bullshit. Andrea and i were both stunned. we had already made fun of Etheridge and her band during their performance of the song. we were later wowed by a pretty awesome Dream Girls medley. the two were not comparable.
but we all know the one holding the Oscar isn't always the one who deserves it. i think there will be (or at least should be) outrage on real blogs and infotainment sites about what a rip off this was.
Now I am throwing off the carelessness of youth
To listen to an inconvenient truth
that drivel will get you a gold statue, people!! looks like my songwriting career may have some hope after all:
if you care about global warming and glaciers forming,
hurricanes storming and locusts swarming,
Al is still boring and Melissa's performing:
the crowd is roaring but i'm pissed b/c Dream Girls should've won.
2 minutes on RhymeZone. how long did she spend writing hers???