Tuesday, May 8, 2007


follow up: we had a very windy day yesterday. i got to Andrea's after work to get ready for Home Group, which was at 7pm. me and Krust were playing in the back yard when i noticed them...the ground was covered with giant poison ivy leaves. the wilting leaves from the vine i severed Saturday were being blown off and scattered everywhere. good thing there's a brand new rake in the shed: i went to work piling up the leaves, being careful not to let them touch me. i photographed the pile next to my shoe (for scale). pictures are still on Andrea's camera, but i'll get them on here. when you see the picture, keep in mind i wear a size 13. it looks like a child's toy next to the mammoth pile of green death-weed. madness.

in other news, i can now verify 7 rash spots from the weekends work.
  1. 1 big cluster - left "bicep"
  2. 1 medium cluster - left forearm
  3. 2 small clusters - left forearm
  4. 1 tiny spot - left hand
  5. 1 tiny spot - right wrist
  6. 1 medium cluster - right shoulder/neck
it's not awful. next time i'll put on a long sleeved shirt. my mistake.

my friend Nancy at work asked a Botanist friend of hers whether my gasoline technique would kill the root system. the answer was no. the good news is there are special poison ivy killers on the market. using the same process with said killer will supposedly do the trick.

more info, and hopefully pictures, coming soon.


Andrea said...

Is there anything more disgusting than oozing?

Gerald L. Updyke said...

not very many things, no.