one of the best things about life is turning 40. i should know: it happened to me just 3 months and some change ago. it's been everything i could have imagined and more...with one exception: i still don't need glasses!
i've been cursed with "good enough to not need glasses" vision my whole life. everyone says "you'll need them one day", but my patience is wearing thin. and if i'm honest about it, i'm a little bummed. all you bespectacled folks out there, yucking it up with your glasses. it's not fair.
i refuse to wait for the blessed day in which i have Andrea drive me to the Lens Crafter's (i won't be able to drive myself, duh. i'll need glasses!). preparation is important to me, so i've been "test driving" my friends' glasses to see which frames best suit me. except for the migraines, it's been a lot of fun. and it's resulted in an awesome short list.
i have my favorite, Andrea has her favorite, but i thought i'd put it to you, my loyal readership, to let me know what YOU think. plus, this way i'll know exactly who is (and ISN'T) reading my annual blog post.
without delay, here are the new me's:


remember, all of these glasses are owned by someone you probably know who is also married, so no "#2 looks stupid" or "#4 is HAWT!", etc. thank you.
leave your choice in the comments and i'll tally them up and take the results to the Optometrist sometime in the (hopefully near) future.