every year, the squirrels get more bold and cause more damage to my prize Jade and Christmas Cacti. April through October is when they get their prime "outside time" and i can't have a bunch of disgusting animals destroying my plants!! i decided to take a (hopefully) more effective approach to keeping them safe: i give you shark cage.

it's an 8x4x3 box made from 1x3's and chicken wire. Andrea is supportive so far. her only comment was, "so what color are we going to paint that monstrosity??". i'll let her decide.
HAHAHA. I give you Shark Cage. Genius!! I am rolling. You still got it. Hey, if you are down, link my "Clip of the Week" to your blog and pass it on. Talk real soon.
That's awesome. We should put all our plants and gardens in shark cages. We have neighborhood dogs that get loose and go and pee on everything... and then the cats follow up with the "Meooooww.... that looks like a good litter box."
You could always put Andrea in there when she gets a little unruly.
I vote vertical strips are pink. horizonal-purple. chicken wire - lime green
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