Wednesday, August 15, 2007

it's been a while.

due to an overwhelming lack of an overwhelming response to my blog inactivity, it remained inactive for much longer than i intended. we've been crazy busy trying to get this wedding ready and as i move my eyes slightly to the right at the counter, i see we're under 10 days. wow.

things are moving along at a furious pace. we've heard from a lot of people we're excited will be coming next week and a few we're sad won't be able to make it. but it will still be awesome. that is, if i can shake this cold. summer colds are the worst. it started 5 days ago just in time for the weekend. hit me like a ton of bricks: sinus congestion, sore throat, headache...the usual.

turns out it's not so much a viral thing as a late season allergy attack...unlike any allergy attack i've ever experienced. thanks to medical staff at my beck and call, i'm on the mend.

i've been liquidating a lot of the junk i've been dragging around for years. you know you've underpriced something on Craig's List when you get 13 responses for it in a day. conversely, you know when you've overpriced something, too. no takers on my old Army BDU's. unbelievable.

with the $20 i scored for the La-Z-Boy, Andrea and i went to AC Moore to get stuff for, you guessed it, the wedding. $19.99 for some brown bags and fasteners for the programs. easy come, easy go.

i'm actually about to get back on Craig's List and put a bunch of stuff in the "For Free" section. yeah, it's old and cheap but it has history. i'll be a little sad to get rid of it: the coffee table and end table were bought by my Mom and stepdad after they got married in 1984. i used them all through college and beyond. every burn mark and gouge has a story. a story that i will blog about one day. i bet you can't wait.

i'm out.


Andrea said...

Yes Free stuff for them, free movers for you. Woo Woo!

Anonymous said...

Jerry - I was so surprised to find your blog on the web! Congrats on the wedding - it is great to find out about old friends!
Have a wonderful day on Saturday - enjoy every moment.

By the way - back when you knew me, I was Jenny Collins.

Gerald L. Updyke said...

hey! how are you?? last time i heard, you were in Winder. i'm in Raleigh.

yeah, i finally got married and i'm glad i waited until i did! Andrea's great. if you're looking for an entertaining blog, look no further than hers.

Rick came in from Seattle for the wedding and then we saw him again this past weekend on the honeymoon. it was nice. he's got a little girl and is doing very well.

Anonymous said...

I am not in Winder anymore. I currently live in Buford, but my husband and I are building a new house a few more miles north of Atlanta, in Flowery Branch.

I have asked my Mom at least a hundred times about Rick, and she never knows anything (no news around Edison). Do you have an e-mail address for him?