real quickly: Andrea is always having me feel her belly when the baby is moving around, in the hopes i'll feel it. all i ever feel is her heartbeat, but i always try b/c i know one day, i will feel it. and i can't wait!
well, the wait is over: this past Saturday morning, she had me put my hand on her belly and no sooner did the little guy give a really big kick. it was unmistakable! she said "did you feel that?" and i was like, "uhhh...yeah!". then again, and again: 3 big kicks. it was great! last night i laid the ukulele across her lap and played songs for him. he will either love it or hate it as he grows older, but i plan on using that as the instrument of choice to sing to him. it's so easy and fun. go get a ukulele if you don't have one (Thanks Dean and Angie!!)
today we had a level 2 ultrasound. they took some really good pictures of...well, make sure he's coming along and all appears to be normal. check out
this pic from
Andrea's Blog: the 1st ever actual picture of Baby Updyke. he looks very comfortable.
that's all for now. thanks to everyone for all the support, be it in the form of advice, books, other stuff, etc. we've got a great group of folks in our corner and i know you'll all be tripping over each other to baby sit for us when the time comes. thanks in advance!